Election '08: Lies to the 14th Power
During the heavily watched vice presidential debate, Sen. Joe Biden lied at least 14 times, according to the McCain campaign. He was evidently counting on Sarah Palin's inexperience, somnambulant moderator Gwen Ifill, and the event format to help him get away with all the prevarication. (For those who still care about facts in this election, go to http://townhall.com/columnists/AmandaCarpenter/2008/10/03/biden_tells_14_lies_during_vp_debate.) And for the most part, he did.
Biden seemingly prefaced each lie with the phrase, "God love 'im," so I guess that makes it okay. All's fair in love and political war, and all that. Wait, I thought this was a campaign of "change."
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