Safe Schools Indeed
There's a new problem with one of our president's dozens of extra-constitutional "czars." It appears that one Kevin Jennings, the "safe schools czar," encouraged a 15-year-old boy to continue in a situation of sexual abuse with a man. This "czar" also wrote a foreword to a book advocating that we "queer up" the schools, and he is a leader, apparently, in a group seeking to normalize homosexuality in the schools. Just what is Jennings making our schools "safe" for, anyway? And who said we need a "safe schools czar"?
Those few in the media who are actually bothering to cover this latest scandal are harrumphing again about Team Obama's failure to properly "vet" the "czar." Perhaps if Obama's appointees were subject to congressional oversight we would have fewer of these types walking the halls of power.
I, however, don't think it is primarily a problem of "vetting." The administration knows who it is getting. Arne Duncan, who appointed him, certainly knew who he was. This is the same Duncan, by the way, who left Chicago public schools in ruins before being named Secretary of Education. Nice work if you can get it!
These folks such as Jennings, whom Obama and Co. appoint without oversight, are simply displaying the administration's native radicalism, unmasked. The problem is not "vetting," except in the case of the American people, who put into the Oval Office an inexperienced radical leftist.
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