Billions and Billions
We receive word that an already terrible federal budget deficit has tripled over the last year, to $1.4 trllion annually. That's $1,400,000,000,000, or about $4,000 for every man, woman, child and transgendered person in the United States. (Forgive me if my math is a bit off; my calculator can't handle numbers this high.)
If you're getting a government check this year, enjoy it; you're going to be paying it back, with interest, for the rest of your life. And remember, that $1.4 trillion is just to pay for this year's obligations. The spiraling national debt is far worse.
Meanwhile, the CBO says the latest health plan from the Democrats, available for "only" $829 billion, will actually lower the deficit. Sure it will, if you accept the following premises:
1. That this government program, unlike most others, will not cost wildly more than anticipated;
2. That current insurance holders and Medicare recipients will not mind paying a lot more for a lot less.
Yes, this health plan may balance, but on whose backs? And what about the millions it still leaves uninsured? That's a pretty expensive cure. I expect these questions will largely go unanswered in the rush to "do something" about health care. And this CBO estimate, however misleading, gives Team Obama just the cover it needs to ram "reform" down our throats.
Can everyone open up and say "Ahh"?
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