Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Why the Great and Growing Backlash?

People heard his serial promises about airing the health-care debate on C-SPAN, his new-transparency/no-lobbyist vows, and his monotonous boasts to close down Guantanamo within a year. All that is now “inoperative.” The problem was not just that Obama made promises that he broke, but that he made them so frequently and so vehemently — and so cavalierly broke them. That brazen campaign deception is problematic for a politician, but proves fatal for a self-appointed messiah.

By Victor Davis Hanson


Blogger Unknown said...

Stan - Obama told the american people what they wanted to hear and they cheered him onward. Remember in the election he said, "Your electrical rates will skyrocket?" I fell off my chair when Amricans cheered those words. What makes you think they will hold him to his "broken" promises?? They are STUPID - pure and simple and greater civilizations have fallen due to the ignorance of their people.

PS I am doing genealogical research and my GGmother was Martha Guthrie who was married to John Hill (SC and TN 1834-1909) - wonder if you are a couin??

11:20 AM  
Blogger Stan Guthrie said...

I'll look it up--my dad did a lot of work on our family tree--and get back to you.

12:54 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Did you see where Obama is NOW bribing or buying the votes of the American middle class by offering all kinds of goodies to those making under 85K - and of course we pay for it!!

Thanks for checking on your family roots.

1:25 PM  

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