Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Sean Taylor's Spiritual Journey

After Washington Redskins football player Sean Taylor was murdered in his Miami home on December 3, there were whispers that his rough lifestyle was to blame. In an article for the Adventist Review, Mark Kellner, news editor, says au contraire:

At the time of his murder, Sean Taylor was running, but with God’s crowd at the Perrine Seventh-day Adventist Church in Miami. Peay believes he was making a run towards heaven — and away from his former ways.

During a late night conversation last October with Peay at an International House of Pancakes restaurant in College Park, Maryland, Taylor reaffirmed a decision he’d made earlier in 2007 to return to the Adventist Church and to the Lord.

According to Peay, Taylor said, “Pastor, I love going home to see my daughter. I’m not with all that other stuff anymore.”


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