Monday, October 03, 2005

Not Normal or Healthy

After reading this commentary, some might accuse me of being homophobic. If by that they mean I hate or fear homosexuals, I plead innocent with a clear conscience. (As the saying goes. “Love the sinner; hate the sin.”) However, if they mean I hate or fear what the radical gay-rights agenda and the “gay lifestyle” are doing to individuals and to society, then I proudly say: “Guilty as charged.”

It’s interesting that homosexual-rights advocates have been able to successfully label critics with the ad hominem charge of “homophobia,” as if this is some kind of recognized mental illness. Doubly interesting, since only in the last three decades have the American Psychiatric Association and the American Psychological Association rejected thousands of years of social norms and religious teaching to declare that homosexuality is not a disorder in itself.

Actually, the evidence continues to show that homosexuality is a profound disorder that should prompt compassion and treatment, not gay-pride parades. As a matter of fact, “gay” is an ironic label for people made in the image of God who are trapped in homosexuality. According to two studies published in the Archives of General Psychiatry, homosexually oriented men and women experienced higher rates of psychiatric disorders than their heterosexual counterparts.

And another study, of 7,000 homosexuals in the Netherlands, found: “Homosexual men had a much larger chance of having had 12-month and lifetime bipolar disorders, and a higher chance of having had lifetime major depression.... the greatest differences were found in obsessive-compulsive disorder and agoraphobia. The 12-month prevalences of agoraphobia, simple phobia, and obsessive-compulsive disorder were higher in homosexual men than in heterosexual men.”

There are many factors involved in homosexuality, including genetics, dysfunctional family relationships, personal choice, and sexual abuse. Supporting the idea that homosexuality is not normal or healthy, the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality notes that many homosexual men were victims of homosexual abuse when they were children who were lonely and starved for male attention, thus throwing off their internal sexual gyroscopes.

“When this lonely boy receives flattering attention from an older male, then a link is established between love and homoerotic sex,” NARTH says. “The boy comes to believe, ‘If I want love from men, I must have sex with them.’ Thus the normal and natural developmental need of same-sex love and approval has become eroticized. The boy may then develop a compulsive, promiscuous sexual habit pattern, which in gay life is seen fairly frequently.”

While gay-rights advocates strongly deny any link between homosexuality and pedophilia (denying through torturous reasoning that a homosexual act is a homosexual act), consider the following facts presented by Timothy Dudley of the Family Research Council:

· Almost all pedophiles are males;
· Although heterosexuals outnumber homosexuals in the general population by roughly 20 to one, as many as a third of child sexual abuse victims are boys;
· A study in Archives of Sexual Behavior found that homosexual men are commonly attracted to young males;
· Homosexual researchers found that 73 percent of homosexuals had sex with males aged 16 to 19—or younger.

It’s no wonder, then, that the Catholic Church in the United States found itself embroiled in a massive scandal in which priests took advantage of their spiritual role to abuse children. Many of the incidents were homosexual in nature. It’s also no wonder that last month Pope Benedict XVI approved stricter new rules to ban homosexuals—even those who are celibate—from the priesthood. (The church’s catechism calls homosexuality “objectively disordered.”)

Yet while homosexuals constitute only between 1 and 3 percent of the American people, they wield influence far beyond their numbers. Their leaders seek not just tolerance of the “gay lifestyle” (which is not hard to get in today’s pluralistic climate), but active affirmation that homosexuality is normal and healthy. This is the reason for the incessant push for so-called “gay marriage” and for efforts in many denominations to allow practicing homosexuals to be church leaders (in open defiance of Christian doctrine).

In addition, these advocates wish to punish anyone who holds a contrary view. For example, on September 28 the Republican-controlled House of Representatives provided 223 votes for a “hate crimes” bill that lists “sexual orientation” as a specially protected class. Similar measures have been introduced in several states, Canada, and Sweden.

Of course, no right-thinking American would sanction hatred or violence against people caught in homosexuality, but critics fear these kinds of laws eventually could be used to restrict the free speech of Americans who refuse to toe the politically correct line on homosexuality.

Like this one.


Blogger Jess said...


I find it even more odd that the percentage of actual gays in that 1-3% of the population don't care or ever want gay marriage. Let's even go out on a limb and so at least 1/2 the gay population is waiting and would marry. That's even lower a percentage that would benefit. So,now I find it really weird that .5 - 1.5 of the population(and again, that's generous)- clearly a super minority, if that, now has the most power to change any law and social definition. Most gays (men mainly) live a decadent a whorish lifestyle. It's the defining life action that they are proud of and clearly enhances how gay they are to others. Yes, there are those who do settle down with one partner but even that percentage is minute in the gay community. I've said it before and I'll say it again. "Feminist should be worried. With their own help and contradiction - they have helped but men back in the charge. Gay men are now the truly dominate sex over all. Protected by the gay community - they can do and say anything and get away with it. From sexual harrassment in the workplace to dominating the fashion and designing world. Gay men are clearly left off the radar. Go figure.

1:37 PM  
Blogger Ravan Asteris said...

Nauseating. To think that my sister married a bigot. Which right wing talking head fed you your "studies" and such. You probably don't know any open homosexuals, except those who have been supposedly "cured" into heterosexual unhappiness.

First, you need to revisit the supposed reason for teaching against homosexuality. Sodom and Gomorrah weren't destroyed because of anal sex, they were destroyed because of violent rape of strangers and violation of basic hospitality as a cultural norm.

Second, it not a choice. If it was, very, very few would ever make that choice, because of reactionary bigots like you. Most people I know who are homosexual had homosexual feelings from the time they felt their first stirrings. No, they weren't molested as children.

Third, you make the same tired, stupid error of conflating homosexuality with pedophelia. Homosexuals are nauseated by the concept of any sort of sexual contact with children of either gender. Pedophiles go for both genders, it's just that our warped society focuses more on the violation of young boy, with the subtext that when it happens to girls, it's the girl's fault/due/place.

I know people who've been molested as children. Guess what? More of them are female, and they generally weren't believed when they said something.

So that supposed statistical "proof" of a link goes out the window of bad data.

There is no "radical gay agenda". No one is asking for any "special" rights. Homosexuals just want to be able to form long term partnerships based on love and trust that are sanctioned by civil law, with the attendant rights and duties thereof.

How would you feel if your spouse was injured, on life support, and they denied you any say in the issue because you weren't "married", just a "friend", and instead the decisions were made by the state?

As far as happiness is concerned, when a gay person lives in an area with fewer bigots and violent bashers, they are often quite happy, especially when they have at least some of the rights with their partners. It's when they have to put up with the social abuse and distorted assumptions and statistics of your ilk that they become unhappy and fearful for their lives. Living in a society that hates you and would hurt you for being you would make anyone unhappy. I experienced a microcosm of that in high school, and I was just *fat*. A het friend of mine was called "gay", and regularly beaten, thrown down stairs, and all of that. He was suicidal - you would be too if your life was repeatedly threatened, and your own self worth was almost constantly derided by people like you. Oh, and a higher incidence of depression and agorophobia? If going out in public meant a high likelihood physical and psychological abuse, any sane person would develop depression and agorophobia, and they would persist even after the immediate threat had passed. Again, more distortion and misunderstanding of statistics.

You'd think that being disabled, and thus "different", you'd understand that. But no, you've swallowed the church line, and their supposed "proof" by statistical inference.

I'm really disappointed, Stan. I'd hoped to find some really deep, loving, real Christian thought in your blog. But no, I find a regurgitation of dominionist pap, and an underlying bigotry against anyone who doesn't follow their narrow little way.

I'd hoped you were a real Christian, Stan, who followed Jesus of Nazareth, not a distortion of the old testament and Pauline mysogyny. I guess I was wrong. Is it because it brings readers who are looking for reinforcement of the kind of thinking that goes against everything that Jesus ever said or did?

Walk a mile in the shoes of those you despise, Stan. I've been in your milleau, and it made me profoundly unhappy. Crap like you spout is why I left the church, and eventually Christianity itself, in the first place. A religion whose teachings focus on hate, intolerance, interference and judgement of others lifestyles that harm no one, is not conducive to emotional health, IMO.

I'm very sad for you, Stan. It's horrible to see a fine intellect poisoned by knee jerk religious indoctrination.

2:50 PM  

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